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Sunday Mornings
Bible Study/Sunday School - 9:00 AM
Worship Service - 10:00 AM
What Can I Expect?
We welcome everyone, no matter where you are in your spiritual journey or in life! Wear whatever makes you comfortable (some people dress more formally, others come dressed more casually). Come as you are! We welcome all ages and we are always looking for ways to take away any obstacles that might make your participation difficult. We offer a sound system that projects the pastor’s voice, or we can also provide you with personal audio if hearing is a challenge. We offer a “cry room” for young kids just off the worship area that allows Mom and Dad to still see and hear the service. We encourage families to worship together and we welcome the little children! Pastor offers special messages for children in the services on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays of the month.
We offer interactive Bible study an hour before the service. Adults meet in the fellowship hall and are encouraged to ask questions and take advantage of the teaching and learning atmosphere. We are all constantly learning no matter how much or how little we know about our Savior.
For the Kids
We also offer Children’s Sunday School during this hour. Your children can sit with experienced teachers who can bring the message of salvation to their level. This can be a time of great enrichment as they get to know their Savior while at the same time Mom and Dad are growing in grace too!
About The Service
Our worship and style is defined by our beliefs. We believe that God grants faith and grows faith through the means of grace in His Word and the Sacraments of Holy Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Therefore our service is centered around God’s Word and is always pointing to Jesus and what He’s done for us. We follow the historic liturgy; linking us to thousands of years of Christian tradition. (We do not, however, ever let those traditions take priority above the Word of God.) Together we confess aloud our sin and our need for a Savior. Together we are offered forgiveness as God speaks through the Pastor (just as Jesus directed us in John 20:21-23). We sing hymns rich in meaning as they continue to teach God’s saving grace through music and instruments. The colors on the altar teach their own lesson as they symbolize the meaning of the church year currently being preached. The rich music, stained glass, and beautiful sanctuary is designed to offer us a transcendent experience as we strive to give God our best in worship (as taught in Old Testament times through God’s directives regarding the Temple and the Tabernacle). Worship is where God gives us His priceless gifts. At Grace, they are plenty and freely given!
Grace: Unconditional
Every other world religion has strings attached. If you do this … then you get that. If you do more good than bad … you should be fine. If you appease this god … then you will be rewarded. These conditional statements can even seep into other Christian denominations. Christ has done 99% … now you just do the last part and accept Him into your heart. If you’re really a Christian … then you’ll act like it. If you love Jesus as much as you claim you do … then you’ll do this. That is NOT grace.
Grace is unconditional. Grace is unmerited. Grace is undeserved. Grace is free - free for us, but it was bought at a VERY steep price … Christ’s own blood. This is the message taught, preached, learned, practiced, and heard at Grace Lutheran Church. Come and experience God’s GRACE with us!